Our Vision
To Teach People how to Create Low Risk Profitable Forex Home Business
More and more people are looking for ways to escape their unsatisfying 9 - 5 jobs and start their own business which they can operate from home. Many of these people look towards Forex Trading as a possible solution to fulfill this need. Unfortunately the Forex industry is a tough school and the result is that most of these people lose their hard earned savings and leave the scene with a bloodied nose. They are the fodder that feed the big banks, hedge funds, investment houses, etc. So the powerful and wealthy with their teams of experts and large monetary resources become even more powerful and wealthy and the common people entering this business with little knowledge and no experience are losing their savings. Add to this the overwhelming number of scams on the Internet that is perpetrated by people wanting to make a quick buck (mostly from selling robots, systems, indicators, etc.) and prepared to tell any lie and fake evidence to enrich themselves from unsuspecting customers. Then we are not even mentionining some brokers who are dishonest in their dealings with their customers. So this is indeed a hazardous environment full of traps and potholes and someone entering this field without an experienced mentor, excellent training and well proven systems are looking to go the same way as most of the new entrants.
It is our Vision to bring some order and respectability to this industry by sharing our experiences and knowledge, as well as what works and what does not, so that the new entrant can have the best possible opportunity to make a success of Forex Trading and build a profitable home business. We intend to shorten the time, cost and pain required to reach their goal by teaching them the formula of success in this business.
We want to erase the current perspective that people have of Forex Trading as just another kind of gambling and proof that when sound business principles are followed one can build a low risk poftitable business to support your family and all their needs. We also aim to remove the excessive stress levels normally associated with Forex Trading and change it into a non-emotional business or investment practice that is a viable option for starting a home business.