Free Support and Mentoring
We take full responsability for our training and the results that are achieved afterwards. Many Forex training firms may only be interested in making money from training and do not concern themselves too much about what happens afterwards with the trainees. We are not so much in the business of Forex training for the money we can make from it (that is why our courses have the lowest prices of any classroom training), but we are here to create successful Forex traders – that is our main objective.
As most people know you cannot create a successful Forex trader with just a few days of training – no matter how good the training is. It is ESSENTIAL that there has to be handholding and mentoring after the course(s) to ensure that the trainees learn how to successfully apply in practice all the principles, rules and systems taught during the course. After the course we continue to supply trainees with teaching e-mails, tips of the day, updates and/or refinements of the system(s), and most of all being there to answer any questions that they may have. This we do for FREE where other training organizations charge for such services. This should put anybody’s mind at rest that we are honest and serious to create successful traders and are not just in this business for the money.
Another thing – markets change over time and a system that is successful now may not be so in the future. Therefore, we continuously optimize and improve our system(s) and keep our trainees updated with the latest approach. You are automatically updated about any improvements we may implement.
E-mail: [email protected]