Guaranteed Profitability

If you apply the system(s) that we teach we guarantee your success.



We supply free Expert Advisors with our systems to assist in trading.


After completing one of our flagship courses we support our trainees with unlimited free mentoring.

Support after end of Forex Training Course

Mentorship is critically important for new Forex traders to succeed. Every one who had attended any of the Forex training courses qualifies for free telephone and e-mail mentorship and support after the course completion.

Regular Furthermore, all students will be updated by e-mail of all new developments in the Strategies and Systems they learned at the Forex training course. If in future there are new Systems that are performing better than the ones they have received they will have access to these systems. This communication will be valid for a period of at least 12 months after the end of the Forex training course attended.

The student also has the option to schedule a one-on-one session with the trainer or other expert where the focus will be on assisting the student to resolve any possible problems, answer any questions and give direction and advice to improve performance. This personal one-on-one training /assistance will be charged at R250 per hour (VAT included).

We are investigating the possibility to have a webinar training event on a regular basis where students can participate and ask their questions while the trainer works through some examples of the Forex trading systems taught during the courses. This will be avalable to those students who attended the Winning Strategies & Systems course.

We will also be creating a restricted area for past students where the trainer can publish updates and/or refinements to the systems taught and students can ask their questions.

E-mail: [email protected]

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